Board of Trustees
2024 - 2025 Board Members
Timothy Park, Chair
Senior Professor of Asian Missions at Fuller Seminary
California, USA
Young Hoon Lee, Honorary Chair
Senior Pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church
South Korea
Janet Wells, Vice Chair
Former the Executive Director of the Pasadena Pops Orchestra and the Los Angeles Children’s Chorus
California, USA
Libbie Patterson, Secretary
Former Associate Dean, School of Theology at Fuller Seminary
California, USA
Lee Merritt, Treasurer
Former VP of Finance of Fuller Seminary
California, USA
James Lee, Ex-Officio
President of ITS
Texas, USA
Bakari Bunga
Director of Administration of Evangelical Missionary Society at ECWA
Christina Wee
New York, USA
Davidson Chifungo
National Director at VERITAS Bible College
Dean Thompson
President Emeritus of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
California, USA
Fried Wilson
Former Business Manager, Synod of Southern CA and HI PCUSA
California, USA
George Kefalas
Owner of G. M. Kefalas Investments
California, USA
Ildoo Kwon
International Ministry CGI Director of Yoido Full Gospel Church
South Korea
Jim Conner
Founder of Transforming Poverty
California, USA
Larry Ballenger
Retired Pastor of Ukiah Presbyterian Church, Ukiah
California, USA
Lisa Hansen
Senior Pastor, Pasadena Presbyterian Church
California, USA
Ranjeet Guptara
Senior Vice President of UBS
Phoebe Chifungo
Scholar, Author, Researcher and Analyst
Consulting Board
Barnabas Mtokambali
General Superintendent of Tanzania General Assembly
Eddie Rigdon
Founder of Water Is Life, Inc.
California, USA
Frank Tranzow
Independent Venture Capital and Private Equity Professional
Colorado, USA
Freda Cheung
Former President of Worldwide Christian Churches Ministries Inc.
California, USA
Joseph Tong
President Emeritus of International Theological Seminary
California, USA
Manoch Jangmook
President of Bangkok Bible Seminary
Mel Loucks
Professor Emeritus of International Theological Seminary
California, USA
Phil Eaton
President Emeritus of Seattle Pacific University
Pin Tai
Former CEO and President of Cathay Bank
Texas, USA
Ron White
American Historian, Author, and Lecturer
California, USA