Great! We're glad you're interested. We offer a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, a Master of Divinity, a Master of Theology, and a Doctor of Ministry. You may find more information about our available programs under the Programs page.
You may email admission@itsla.edu for specific questions about the application process. Our Admissions Representative may also direct you to a Regional Director in your area who may be able to better assist you through your application.
Our scholarships only cover tuition. Students are expected to pay their own housing, food, and other miscellaneous expenses including books, insurance, and transportation.
Great question! You may find directions to our school by clicking here or by going to the Student Tools page.
International applicants must submit all necessary forms before or by April 15th to be considered for the incoming school year.
Local applicants for any program must submit their applications to the Admissions office no later than 60 days before a quarter term to begin study.
One of the conditions of our scholarships is that the student must return home after graduation to engage in ministry work in his or her local community for a minimum of 5 years. If the student fails to return home after graduation, he or she will be expected to pay back the full amount of scholarship that was given during his or her time of study.
Good question. If you would like to financially support any of our students, we have various ways you may do so. It would be best to send your money directly to ITS with the student's name written on the memo line. Your donations will be credited to the student's account.