황의정, PhD.
강의/연구분야: 리더십, 선교학
- 강의과목: 리더십(지도자평생개발론), 교회성장학, 전도학, 영적성장
- 학위:
- BA in Theology, Seoul Theological University, Bucheon, S. Korea. 1986.
- MDiv. Seoul Theological University and Seminary, Bucheon S. Korea. 1990.
- Th.M. in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. USA. 1997.
- Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. USA. 2004.
- 저술:
- Dissertation and Thesis:
- Toward an Appropriate Denominational Mission Model for the Korean Evangelical Holiness Church, Ph.D. dissertation, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2004
- A Study on Structure for Mobilizing and Developing Missionary Leaders in the Korean Evangelical Holiness Church, Th.M. thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1997
- A Study of Discipleship Training from a Perspective of Pastoral Theology, M. Div. thesis, Seoul Theological Seminary, 1991,
- Translations:
- 지도자 평생 개발론 (Leadership Emergence Theory) by J. R. Clinton. Translated with N. H. Jang. 서울: 하늘기획, 2011.
- 고립의 축복(Isolation): 지도자들을 위한 변화의 장소(A Place of Transformation in the Life of A Leader). by Shelley Trebesch. 서울: 베다니출판사, 2008.
- 당신의 은사를 개발하라: 지도자가 꼭 알아야 하는 은사에 관한 모든 것 (Unlocking Your Giftedness: What Leaders Need to Know to Develop Themselves and Others) by J. Robert Clinton and Richard W. Clinton. (서울: 베다니 출판사, 2004.
- 요나와 벌레 (Jonah and the Worm) by Jill Briscoe, 서울: 양무리서원, 2003.
- 지도자를 위한 독서법 (Reading on the Run: Continuum Reading Concepts) by J. Robert Clinton. 개인출판, 1999.
- 머뭇거리는 부모를 위하여 (Sex Education is for the Family) by Tim LaHaye. 서울: 예찬사. 1996.
- 당신이 그런 식으로 행동하는 이유는 (Why Do You Act the Way You Do) by Tim LaHaye. 서울: 예찬사. 1991.