
이승현(JAMES S. LEE), PH.D.

강의/연구분야: 구약학

  • 강의과목: 히브리어, 아람어, 구약신학/윤리, 고대이스라엘역사, 구약해석학, 묵시문학, 모세오경, 지혜문학, 예레미야, 시편
  • 학위:
    • Ph.D., Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, VA, 2012
    • Dissertation Title: “Re-imagining Exile and Restoration: A Literary-historical Study of Exile in the Book of Daniel”
    • Graduate Study in Theology, University of Münster, Münster, Germany, 1998-2000
    • M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ, 1998
    • B.A. in Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 1995
  • 저술:
    • "Theology of Suffering: Reflection on Job"
      A series of 10 articles on The Korean Christian Press (2015-16)
    • “Daniel and His Three Friends as the Prototypal Maskilim,” in Journal of Presbyterian      Theological Seminary in America 2 (2010): 244-67.