Master of Divinity

The Master of Divinity (MDiv) is a three-year program designed primarily for persons desiring to prepare themselves for the ordained ministry. This program seeks to integrate a classical Reformed theological curriculum with a variety of ministerial skills. Graduates are expected to serve as pastors or function as leaders in the Christian community. The MDiv curriculum aims at competency in biblical languages, biblical exegesis, historical and theological perspectives gained in one of the three required emphases: Pastoral Ministry, Missions and Evangelism or Educational Ministry providing an opportunity to go deeper in a specific choice of study.

The program requires the successful completion of 126 units (93 core units and 24-33 elective units dependent upon emphasis), which is normally completed in three academic years if followed on a full-time basis.

Division Course Unit
Biblical Languages BH 101 Hebrew I 4
BH 102 Hebrew II 4
BH 103 Intro to OT Exegesis 4
BG 101 Greek I 4
BG 102 Greek II 4
BG 103 Intro to NT Exegesis 4

Biblical Studies OT 101 Pentateuch or Samuel/Kings 4
OT 102 Prophets I or Prophets II 4
OT 103- OT 104 Psalms and Wisdom Books or Biblical Theology 4
NT 101 NT I (Synoptic Gospels) 4
NT 102 NT II (Acts and Pauline Epistles) 4
NT 103 NT III (Johannine Writings, Catholic Epistles) 4
NT 104 NT Theology 4

Church History CH 101 CH I (Early to Medieval) 4
CH 102 CH II (Reformation to Awakening) 4

CH 103 CH III: Modern and Major Church OR
CH 104 Global Church History 4
Systematic Theology ST 101 Hermeneutics and Prolegomena 4
ST 102 Doctrine of God and Man 4
ST 103 Doctrine of Christ and Salvation 4
ST 104 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, Church and Last Things 4
Philosophical and Ethical Theology Apologetics 4
Christian Ethics & Social Problems 4



In addition to taking required courses for the Master of Divinity program, you may also choose from one of the following:

Emphasis Course Unit
Pastoral Ministry PR101 Homiletics 3
PR 102 Expository Preaching 3
PR 103 Senior Preaching 3
PM 101 Pastoral Theology and Missions 4
PM 102 Pastoral Care and Counseling 4
PM 103 Leadership and Administration 4
Elective Units 21
Mission and Evangelism ME 101 Cultural Anthropology 4
ME 102 Biblical Theology of Mission 4
ME 103 Urban Ministry and Evangelism OR
ME 104 Church Growth 4
Elective Units 30
Christian Education EM 101 Foundation of Educational Ministry 4
EM 102 Lifespan Development and Learning 4
EM 103 Effective Teaching and Learning 4
Elective Units 30